
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Crown of Thorns

It's very interesting that these 2 baby quilt tops look different sizes in this photo. They are exactly the same size. Must be the perspective of where I was standing.
A few days ago a reader told me that she knew this block as English Wedding Ring, which is much more romantic than Crown of Thorns. Since they are going to be baby quilts I may need to rethink the name a bit. LOL
These blocks were all part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2016 and carried into 2017.  And now they are headed to the long arm quilter as soon as I pick out some appropriate backing fabrics. I'm kind of thinking different colored backs and bindings so they are easy to tell apart after they've been washed a bunch. 


  1. Wonderful quilt tops! I'm willing to bet the quilts reflect the personalities of the twins - one vivacious and the other subdued.

  2. Oh my word I have never actually finished one of my rsc quilts. Maybe this year, yours look terrific! LeeAnna

  3. They're lovely Sara, I'm sure they will be loved.

  4. look great love that block pattern


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