
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Blogging friends

Lori (Dakota City Quilter) and I have been blogging/quilting friends for 3 years or more, and we only live 25 miles apart. But we've never met in person - until Friday. Lori and her friend Lorri (with 2 Rs) were in Mitchell and we all met at The Pin Cushion for a little "fabric fix", and then went to lunch together. It was so much fun to meet in person!!  I thought it was like we've known each other for years. And they made me a little gift too.
This little tool caddy is made with several pockets and it all slips over a plastic standing picture frame. How clever!  On the front are 4 narrow tall pockets for things like my seam ripper, scissors, pens, etc. and 2 shorter wider pockets for things like the needle threader beetle they included in the gift.  That has become increasingly needed lately as my eyesight isn't what it used to be.  In the back is a large pocket for large items such as a cell phone.
Thanks ladies for a fun meet and greet!! And for the special gift. 


  1. I met Lori in person about five years ago, and she gave my sister Marilyn and me a tour of the dam where she volunteers. It was fascinating. Meeting for lunch and fabric shopping sounds fabulous! I love the gift the two Lori's made for you.

  2. Oh how cool is that! I really enjoy Lori's blog as well, but haven't met her either.

  3. And we are going to meet again and again and.....!

  4. Will be seeing you again when I come to 1r,s. Sewpiecefully till we meet again.


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