
Friday, March 31, 2017

March revisited

So - my March goals were fairly ambitious but I'm feeling good about my progress. 
  • finish the top to the 2016 Saturday Sampler - top is DONE
  • use my 6" Farm Girl Vintage blocks for a quilt top
  • make a wall hanging using the pear and/or cherry blocks from Farm Girl Vintage
  • complete the UFO selected for March (All People Quilt) - DONE
  • bind 2 baby quilts (Crown of Thorns blocks) - DONE
  • finish the Bread and Butter table runner (guild class on March 4) - top is DONE and currently in the hands of the quilter. 

The March UFO turned out to actually be the 2 baby quilts, so that was kind of an easy way of covering 2 goals. The only things that haven't been touched at all this past month are the Farm Girl Vintage blocks. I'm trying to decide on my next steps with the blocks I've finished.  And I still want to make a wall hanging or table topper using the cherry blocks.  

My cataract surgery yesterday went very well.  My distance vision is already much better and I do feel like there is a noticeable improvement in color and brightness. But the eye is still pretty watery, and of course my glasses don't help my close up vision much right now either. So, no sewing yet today!  And thank goodness for being able to enlarge my iPad and computer screens so I can do a little reading and blogging. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your surgery went well and that you can already see the difference in your vision.


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