
Monday, March 27, 2017

The Textile Center

If you are in the Minneapolis area, a very interesting - and FREE - place to visit is The Textile Center on University Ave.  I'm here in Minneapolis with my husband who is at a conference, but it gave me an opportunity to visit family.  My cousin picked me up at our downtown hotel this morning and we visited a couple of quilt shops, went to The Textile Center, and had lunch.

There is currently a display going on at The Textile Center of art quilts remembering the musician Prince. There were some amazing pieces to see. This top one had cut out sections and 3D birds. My photos just don't do them justice. Each was totally unique and used some incredible techniques.  And they were all for sale - if you had a spare $4,000 or so.

One of the other displays had this huge "quilt". It was made of hand knitted copper wire - yes, WIRE - used dryer sheets as the block "fabric", and printed with leaves.  I can't even begin to imagine the whole process that the artist used to make this. But it was gorgeous.  All along the hallways were a display of Indigo hand dyed swatches about the size of a lap quilt, but folded and hanging in clusters.  The center also has a lending library and a small shop full of beautiful hand made textile items.  It was a great place to spend part of the morning. And it's exhibits change so you will always see something new.


  1. I just don't know how people come up with some of these novel and wonderful ideas. Different brain from mine for sure.

  2. What an interesting and amazing display!

  3. Sounds like you are having a productive time not conferencing! I wish I lived closer - I would love to see both exhibits ~smile~


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