
Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday thoughts

We all most likely have various spots in our home where we display items that are special to us.  Some of us have quite a few such locations. There is a wrought iron baker's rack in my kitchen where I keep lots of kitchen items. On the bottom is a wine rack, with a shelf above that holding cookbooks.

Then there are the 3 shelves where I display some favorite things. There is a china pitcher that I believe is an antique. It belonged to my mother and always sat in her kitchen. Right now my grandmother's recipe box sits next to it. And they both sit on a small runner that I change out seasonally - and that I made.  

Above that is a basket full of cookbooks and recipes. The white embroidered napkin was a gift from my favorite cousin. And sitting on that is a birthday gift from my friend Marilyn. It's a spool of garden twine, with a big twine cutting scissors and she added the daisies and butterfly. It's so springy and cheerful looking sitting there. On top is a small print of a painting done by my cousin's husband, an artist.  

These are all things that make me happy when I walk into my kitchen every day. 


  1. Yes, I have a similar display of loved items in my house. The pitcher and twine spool are cute!


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