
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Not much to report

I just haven't spent much time in my sewing room lately. I did get 1 more center block and 3 border blocks made for Cranberry Chutney by Kim Diehl. And I've been working a little on a quilt binding. But it's a cool, rainy day today - just perfect for some sewing time. And I will have most of the afternoon free to sew. 
We really need the rain, so no complaints on the weather. It's been raining, not drizzling, for most of the morning, so hopefully we'll see at least a half inch or more. That will keep those leaves popping out. Maybe this weekend I'll make a visit to the local greenhouse and do a bit of browsing.

1 comment:

  1. A rainy day is a good day to sew or read.

    Love your blocks.


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