
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday stash report

I've only done a couple of stash reports this year but I have been keeping track in a spreadsheet just like I've done the past couple of years.  I just don't remember to post it. And since my blog is really here as my journal, I want to keep track of this.  Then looking back at my earlier posts I realized that I had my numbers reversed anyway. 

So as of this Sunday, April 9, I'm correcting those numbers.  I've made some purchases this month but I've also had quite a few finishes, so it's looking good so far.  I made 9 pillowcases this week, so that almost erases the 11.5 yards I've purchased so far this month. 

     In this month:  11.5 yards
     In this year:  30 yards

     Out this month: 16.5 yards
     Out this year:  57 yards - which puts me way ahead of my stash so far!

So - I've been doing a pretty good job of holding my purchases to MOSTLY things needed to finish a project. I promised myself that I would try really hard to stick to "practical" purchases. So far that has included backings for several finished tops, and backgrounds or other fabrics needed to finish a top.

Besides - in August our guild bus trip is headed to Missouri Star Quilt Company, and the whole idea behind these trips is to buy fabric, right?  And like most of my guild friends, I still have purchases from previous trips sitting in my stash . . . waiting.


  1. Wow, great job of using so much stash!

    Make sure you have some idea what you're looking for at Missouri Star because all that fabric is simply overwhelming.

  2. Wow! Missouri Star Quilt is on my bucket list. Hope you have a great time on your bus trip. I think you're doing well getting the stash reduced.


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