
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday sewing

I had a little list made of things I wanted to work on today, and this quilt label was at the top. At yesterday's Sew Vintage group we were challenged to use blocks from the Farm Girl Vintage book for other purposes, such as a quilt label or a signature block.  Quilt label - that was exactly what I needed to make for my FGV quilt, which is now in the capable hands of the quilter.  So, this morning my first task was making the 6" version of the Old Red Barn block. Instead of putting a pieced barn door in I used just the white background fabric so I can write there.  And I added a 1.5" strip around all 4 sides, then folded, pressed, and basted the edges. Once I add the writing it will be ready to stitch onto the back of the quilt.

Another morning task was to hang my "retirement" quilt on the wall in my sewing room.  And then I made 3 more Garlic Knot blocks for our guild Quilt of Valor project.  


  1. Aren't you clever! I love the red barn as a label.

    Love those garlic knots blocks, too.

  2. Great idea to use the barn block as a quilt label. I like it very much.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I just had to click to find out what that cute little red bard was being used for! So cute and what a great idea to make it a label. I love the garlic knot blocks - I have never heard of that block before but it looks like a quick one to make. I look forward to seeing the completed quilt. ~smile~

  4. Have seen many a house in a quilt--this is my first barn and it is awesome. Growing up on a farm, am mighty tempted to make a barn quilt

  5. That block makes a great quilt label! Love the garlic knots too.

  6. What a good idea. I haven't got my FGV quilt top quilted yet so I'm going to have to remember about the label. I had forgotten how much I like that garlic knot block. What a great choice for QOV.


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