
Monday, July 17, 2017

Design Wall Monday - Candy Dish

This little 18" square UFO is a kit I bought 4 years ago on a guild bus trip to Minnesota shops.  It's done in just 3 fabrics with a black and cream colorway rather than the scrappy look on the pattern photo.  Candy Dish was the name on the pattern and I have to say that the instructions were a bit frustrating to follow.  The pattern was all single spaced and too "wordy".  The shop had also included a "copy" of the original instructions with things crossed out and hand written notes added to address this layout. I understand wanting to make it all fit on 1 sheet of paper, but it was too cluttered to make sense.  And they had crossed out pieces that I did end up cutting and using. 
But it's done and sandwiched, ready to quilt. I'm going to do it myself with black thread.  We'll see how that goes.  I really like the way it looks.
Check out Design Wall Monday to see what other quilters are working on at


  1. I have some knitting patterns like that. A booklet of unnecessary verbiage amid the directions. Separating them sometime is difficult to impossible.

    I love how this mini quilt turned out, especially in those fabrics and colors.

  2. It's a beautiful block. I feel bad for beginning quilters with some of these patterns. They can be confusing, but you worked it out nicely. Black quilting will finish it off in style!

  3. Hi Sara,
    How frustrating to have poor directions, but your finished piece rocks. You showed them in spite of them. I need to make a table topper myself - this looks like a cute one to me. ~smile~ Roseanne


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