
Monday, July 24, 2017

Design Wall Monday

This is the Row By Row project that I posted about yesterday.  It's 36" wide, with 3 pinwheels on the left and just 1 on the right.  My plan today is to go buy a solid black to match the bicycle applique, and add a wide strip to both the top and the bottom. Right now it's only about 10" in depth and I want this to be a wall hanging. So I think the black will help make it look less "long and skinny".  Wish I had more of the colors to add a little something, but I don't.
This row is from the cute shop in Adel, Iowa which is just on the west side of Des Moines.
Check out the other Design Walls at:


  1. The black border will probably look like asphalt, which would be a fun addition to this row by row.

  2. Oh maybe it will look like asphalt. That will be cool. I love this - it's turning out great with nice contrasting colors. And you did such a good job on the bike.


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