
Monday, July 31, 2017

Design Wall Monday

Sunday sewing saw me working on a variety of things.  I made 2 bindings, pieced a backing, started a new Kim Diehl project, and quilted half of a table runner.  These cute little X blocks are for County Line, one of the new Simple Whatnots projects by Kim Diehl. The blocks are 5.5" square and I have 2 of the 15 blocks made so far.  I have to work this morning but hope to get back into my sewing room this afternoon again. 
One of the things I do with most projects is cut what I need to make 1 test block, and if that works out then I do the rest of the cutting.  I stack the pieces on my ironing board, often on a portable design board so I can move it easily if needed without disturbing the layout.  And I stack them in the layout I need to keep them organized for sewing. This method has really cut down on the mistakes that I often made, such as in placement of a piece or turning something the wrong way. In this case my first step is sewing those 1.5" neutral squares onto opposite 2 corners of the 4 matching dark squares. They make the arms of the X. 
Design Wall Monday is going on at:  Check out what others are working on this week.


  1. I do something very similar when preparing blocks for sewing. It does reduce errors. Love the blocks you're making.


  2. I also have small issues with summer annoying. Love that going home to sew piece. I enjoy reading about your method so thanks.

  3. I keep my pieces on cookie sheets, so they are very portable. And you are right... doing this really cuts down on mistakes. Plus it speeds the sewing process, I think. Your blocks are going to be beautiful.

  4. Oh, that is clever. I am not much of one to make a test block, but keeping a pattern or plan nearby for the proper layout of a block is such a good idea.

  5. You have been busy! I love the browns you have chosen for these blocks, so pretty. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday.


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