
Thursday, July 13, 2017

President Hoover Historical Site

I'm on a LONG road trip with my husband this week. He had a couple of meetings for work - one in Iowa and one in Wisconsin.  We've now crossed Iowa completely twice, and are spending the night in Omaha before heading north to South Dakota and home.

This morning we visited West Branch, Iowa. I stopped in a very cute quilt shop and then we both enjoyed the Herbert Hoover historical site.  You can park and take a walking tour of his birthplace (house is pictured here), his father's blacksmith shop, the Quaker Meetinghouse - and the presidential library and museum.  Well worth the time spent here. 

We've also visited the Amanda Colonies on this trip, played one round of golf in steamy hot conditions, been in the middle of a tornado warning, eaten in a couple of really good restaurants, and I've been in 5 different quilt shops along the way.  He was humorist me since I rode along this week. It's been a pretty good week but I'll be glad to be home and sleep in my own bed tomorrow. 


  1. Heard there are some good shops in Iowa--happy you got to check them out

  2. It's always great to have a trip away, but so nice to return to our own comfy bed!!

  3. When you were in the Amana colonies you were about 25 miles south of where I live.

  4. That house is seriously small - our ancestors lived in tiny houses and now tiny houses are in vogue again.

    I've never been to the Amanda colonies. I bet the area is interesting and picturesque.

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