
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Prepping pillowcases

I spent a couple of hours in my sewing room this morning - not sewing, but prepping a lot of pillowcase kits.  Sixteen of them in fact.  These make good quick projects for those times when I just want to spend a little time sewing.
The 4 kits in the back actually include 2 of each set folded together, ready to sew.  That is 8.  The top 2 sets are completely from stash and the bottom 2 are from new fabric I bought on the bus trip just for pillowcases.
The 4 on the right side are kits I bought at crazy days and I just still need to check measurements and trim pieces if needed. 
The 4 kits in the middle are singles and ready to go.  The top one is from stash and the other 3 are new purchases from the bus trip or crazy days.  And the one in the front - Winnie the Pooh - needs a grey cuff and I just couldn't find anything in the stash that worked. It was also purchased on the bus trip.
My plan this year is to make each grandkid a pillowcase that I'll pair up with a book.  There are Bambi pillowcases in that back stack and you know what book will go with those, probably for the girls.  And the rest of the pillowcases will go into my donation/gift stack. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Knitting these all at once makes your sewing time more efficient. I rarely add the small trim anymore: I don't like the way it flips during washing. If I added it, I'd be tempted to top- stitch it in place.


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