
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The queen of quilting chaos

Are you well organized or the queen of quilting chaos?  I've decided that I need to gain some control over that quilting chaos before it gets any worse.
This basket of scraps weighed in at a whopping 22 pounds!  And I wish I could say it is my only scrap bin.  It is the biggest one, but there is a smaller scrap bin hiding behind it and a bag on the floor besides.  It's a bit overwhelming to say the least.

So yesterday afternoon I bought 5 collapsible fabric trays. These are 12" square but just shy of 6" deep.  Note to self - I should have bought more than 5.  But it's a start, right?
After 45 minutes of sitting on the floor and sorting, my right leg was asleep . . . and I had 5 trays mostly full, a small stack of larger pieces, a little pile of leftover bindings, and a small collection of strip sets or orphan blocks.  And after all that work that basket wasn't even half empty.  I realize that it started out packed down and now it's"fluffed" up, but I swear those scraps are multiplying now that they have seen the light of day.

This mad me want to go downstairs and start sewing some string blocks right away. But instead I'm trying to stay disciplined and keep sorting, at least until I can see the bottom of this basket. Then it will be time to dig into the bag and the other bin downstairs too.  I'm not too optimistic that I'm going to tame these scraps very quickly, but sorting by color might help the situation a little bit.

However, I do see some string blocks happening in my near future.


  1. My scraps were out of control, too, so I gave them all away! My goddaughter is starting to quilt and was thrilled to get them. I'm not a huge scrap quilter, so they were vexing my spirit. Good for you for taming yours. I see beautiful things coming from those trays!

  2. I try to cut my scraps into useable sized pieces (2.5, 3.5, 4.5" etc.) before I put them away. I give my strings away to a lady who loves to make string blocks.

    Love the bins you purchased - the colors match the strings - very clever!

  3. sounds like those scraps need to cower in fear. Great job

  4. Good luck getting control of those delicious looking scraps.

  5. How is this coming? what progress did you make? I'm in the same boat and am trying to figure This dilemma out as well!


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