
Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend fun

Two of our 5 grandkids were here this weekend with their parents. Sophia and Jack only live an hour away but I hadn't seen them for a whole month. Life just gets so busy.
After weeks of hot humid weather this was a much cooler weekend so they even needed a jacket when we visited the local tourist attraction - The Corn Palace. It was Saturday evening and just before closing, so no crowds. Earlier in the day there had been lots of motorcycles parked since this is a popular stop for folks headed west on Interstate 90 to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.


  1. Look at those sweet faces! Kids grow and change so quickly when they are that young.

    I've never been to the Corn Palace, but I've heard it's fabulous.

  2. Totally wonderful to spend time with these little ones!


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