
Monday, October 23, 2017

Family picture day

We got really lucky with family photos yesterday, in terms of weather in particular. Saturday was cold and very windy, with spits of rain. Sunday (while pictures were being taken outdoors) was gorgeous, but by mid-afternoon the wind was coming up. And today the wind is howling.  The photographer chose Rotary Park in Sioux Falls and it was a beautiful spot.
When we finished with pictures the kids got to play on the playground. The girls were having fun on these swinging steps but were willing to stop for a picture. The boys must have felt that they had cooperated enough for a camera already.

I snapped this picture of my husband in the parking lot when we were done. He was just waiting patiently.  The girls and I did a "swap" - I brought bags of apples for both, Jerilyn had bags of garden potatoes for us and for Laura, and Laura had huge pumpkins for Jerilyn's kids.

1 comment:

  1. Cute photo of the girls. You'll be glad you took the time to have family photos taken. I cherish the ones I have of my family.


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