
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

New carpet

Yesterday morning we had new carpet installed in our family room.  It looks great, but now it makes the carpet in the nearby rooms and hallway look awful.  I briefly considered hard wood instead, but in this room I really like the cozy feel of carpet. Especially in the winter. We spend most of our time in this room.
My husband and I had emptied the room of furniture (and stuff) on Saturday before he left for a business trip early Sunday morning. The only thing we couldn't move was the big oak entertainment center, but the store had assured me that for a small extra charge the installers (plural) would move that for us. Yay! So when the lone installer showed up I was very worried that we would have to reschedule.  But the guy assured me that with my help he could move it. And he was right, but it wasn't easy. 
Four hours later the old carpet was removed and the new was installed.  After some vigorous vacuuming, I decided to just move back a couple of small furniture items. Sofa sections just don't belong in the kitchen.  Push, pull - then rest and repeat.  It took me over 2 hours but all of the furniture is back in the room. And my back was killing me. The only thing left to do is figure out what I have plugged in wrong on our TV system (too complicated) because we have no sound. Oh, and I need to put back the tchotchkes and books on the shelves in the entertainment center. Some purging will happen as I do that.
My husband will be so impressed - maybe - that his overweight, out-of-shape 63 year old wife managed to do this all by myself.  I just hope he doesn't expect that kind of physical labor all the time.  This was motivated purely by the desire to have my home back to normal.


  1. The carpet looks wonderful! I too love hardwood. In winter especially it gets so drafty that I much prefer to have the carpeting so I don't get so cold and have a bit of padded comfort to walk on. Enjoy your new carpet.

  2. Several years ago, I had all but two rooms of carpeting replaced with hardwood. My allergies thank me every day. It's easier to clean and is much cleaner. Dust bunnies can't hid on hardwood like they can on carpet.

    Take a hot bath and soak for a bit to relax your back muscles.

  3. Beautiful carpet! And "yay" for you getting everything back to place by your self. I hope your back is feeling better this morning.

  4. It looks lovely, very lovely. (Pretty quilts and pillows too.) I'm laughing at your Push, pull,rest repeat - Hahaha - that sounds like me when I move stuff!

  5. The carpet it beautiful! We've replace our entire home with hardwood/hardwood laminate and I love it, but we have animals and it's much easier to clean.


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