
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October goals

My list of October goals has some carryover from previous months. I just want to keep making some progress on these items. 

I'll quickly admit that my attention has been distracted lately toward some genealogy research, instead of sewing. I've been working on my family info and my husband's family info, but now I've begun doing some research for one of my sons-in-law.  And - like everything we become obsessed with - it's black hole.  I get started and next thing I know, hours have gone by.

  1. plan 4 new Christmas stockings for family of daughter #2
  2. sandwich & quilt - Simple Whatnots project Abiding Faith
  3. cut out next Simple Whatnots project 
  4. finish binding the 2016 Saturday Sampler - more than halfway
  5. make 2 more pillowcases from the kits
  6. quilt and bind the cycling wall hanging
  7. finish blocks for APQ 2017 UFO Challenge (batik stars) - still in the project box
  8. begin new Saturday Sampler project
Do you participate in a monthly BOM program, either online or in person?  I've been attending Saturday Sampler at my local quilt shop for at least 16 years.  We meet at 9:00 am on the second Saturday of the month.  The Show 'n Tell is the best part. It's so inspiring to see what everyone has been making. And then the new block - or mystery clue - is revealed and demonstrated.  Our last one was a mystery with fairly simple clues. The one before that was big and complicated, and will finally be done when I finish that binding. 


  1. Yes, I have participated in. Monthly BOM, but it's been a couple of years.

  2. I signed up for a block of the month class quite a few years ago. The person at the shop who was running it then started to make a sample and found the pattern was awful so she changed it to a mystery. I am not fond of medallion quilts nor square quilts, the mystery was both.

    This year they have been doing a sampler quilt where you pay for the first month and then get subsequent months free if you have finished the blocks. Frankly it is the ugliest looking quilt and I wasn't tempted for even a second.

    So, no I am not participating in a block of the month.


  3. Maybe one of your November goals will be "finish Julie's quilt" !! LOL


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