
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Random waves

I've mentioned quite often that I struggle with machine quilting things myself. I have a LOT of trouble relaxing enough to make smooth curves. But I can somewhat handle straight line quilting - except for stitch-in-the-ditch. I take my eye off the "ditch" and allow the needle to wander. Not pretty!
But I had a picture in my mind of how I wanted to quilt the cycling wall hanging, and was determined to do it myself.  Random waves moving across the piece horizontally would represent the wind. I bought a pretty thread so it would show up on the black road sections really nicely. And then it just sat on the corner of my sewing table, waiting.  
Yesterday I finally got brave enough to just jump in and give it a try.  And surprisingly, I'm happy with the results. The binding is even half done, so I'll show it off once it's done.
The other project for the day was to make 2 more of the pillowcases that I have kitted up.  Slowly, but surely I'm working my way through the stack of pillowcase kits.


  1. Hi Sara,
    It looks like you did a lovely job on the quilting! I love the different colored threads you used on the black. I have the same issue with a few wobbles in straight line stitching, but really no one else is a critical as you are. Really! I'm in education inching my way toward retirement, too. I'm looking forward to seeing that quilt complete. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I love the "teaser" photo, and I'm eager to see the finished wall hanging.

  3. Good for you with making your random waves. It's always nice to try new things and do well.


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