
Monday, November 6, 2017

Decorating the dungeon

We moved into this house almost 12 years ago, and my husband promised me nice bookcases in the basement family room from the beginning.  The family room is a huge, long room that I often refer to as "the dungeon".  At one end is the pool table and a comfy seating area. But the other end has my husband's office.  Notice the big putting green on the floor?
Today my bookbases were delivered and set up.  I think I've been more than patient, don't you.  And this afternoon we spent some time unpacking some of the things that will go on the new shelves.  

Notice the train across the top and in the top center shelf?  These are actually Jim Beam bottles. My dad was a big collector and my husband inherited the collection in 1990 when my dad passed away. But we've never had a place to show them off.  There are 8 more pieces that make up another train, but these are the ones we decided to showcase.  

It will take me some time to decide what else will end up in these bookcases, but that is half the fun. The can of Pledge will go away and be replaced with something more decorative and interesting. But in the meantime this goes a long way to make this room much less like a dungeon.

1 comment:

  1. My brother collected the Jim Beam train bottles, too. I wonder where they are now.

    The bookcases are nice and should add some life to the dungeon. I love the dark stain.


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