
Monday, November 27, 2017

Distractions abound

Again I've been distracted by something . . .
I enjoy reading quilting blogs and follow a couple of online quilting groups on Facebook.  And I'm constantly seeing things that I want to make. I bought this book and the paper templates months ago, but just pulled it out this past week. I had done the pink center, the white and a few of the green sections during the week. And then I stopped into The Pin Cushion on Small Business Saturday. Cindy was doing a demo on this very thing!! It was so timely!  I've done some English Paper Piecing hexies and diamonds, and this shape is fun too. The book offers some beautiful layout options.
These scraps are out of my bin of (mostly) Civil War reproductions. I've been using them to make the tiny blocks for the Circa 2016 Temecula project. Only a few blocks to go there and then I can put the quilt together. And now I have something else fun to use those fabrics in. I have no idea how many of these I'll make. But at least ONE!

I must admit that I'm having a "missing mojo" problem lately.  My sewing room is in the basement, and doing the stairs bothers my Achilles tendon. Plus I've been working more hours each week and am out of mental energy. And I'm feeling a little bogged down by unfinished projects again,  especially because I keep seeing new things I want to start.  My head is spinning - too many projects and not enough time.

Check out Design Wall Monday at:


  1. I've been missing my mojo since August. I felt like I got a bit back this week, which felt good. I've been working on an EPP project for a few months and it's about ready to be put together. I love working on them. They are so relaxing.

  2. I find if I make a list of what needs to be finished... or at least the top few things I want to finish, that helps. If there is too much to focus on, I don't focus at all.

  3. I am sorry to hear the stairs are bothering you right now....hope it's better soon. I love patchwork of the crosses. Your start is beautiful. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday - I always enjoy seeing what you are doing.

  4. What a lovely EPP project: I adore Civil War fabrics and colors. I like his EPP design much better than hexies.

    Stairs bother me, too, but thankfully I don't have any in my house. I was at my great-niece's home for Thanksgiving, and her stairs nearly did me in.

  5. I love what you've done with the fabric so far. I think you must have a lot of energy to get so many projects going even if you haven't the time to complete all. You put me to shame. I hope I will get going again on crafts in the new year.

  6. Hi Sara,
    I have been having issues with my achilles tendon lately too - I didn't know stairs may bother it. Just doing anything - sitting, walking, talking seems to bother it. I know what you mean about seeing so many tempting projects that you want to start! You need to make a list of all the things you have started that you would really LIKE to finish. Then start whittling away at that list - focus on one thing a month. You'll be surprised at how quickly that list will diminish. ~smile~ Roseanne


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