
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Selvages are fun

Aren't these selvages unique? More and more often it seems like the manufacturers are adding fun design to their selvages.
I ordered 3 pieces of yardage recently to make special pillowcases to go with the books I've bought for the grandkids for Christmas.  It was really hard to find dragon fabric to go with Mason's dragon book.  But eventually I did find just want I wanted online for a couple of them.  Notice the flame shapes on the dragon fabric. The train fabric looks like trucks on the selvage rather than trains.
Now I need to go shopping locally to find the perfect fabrics to blend in for the pillowcase cuffs.  When I get them done I'll show them off with the companion books. 


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing them . . . gifts for grandchildren are not always easy for me to figure out. Mine live so far away that I don't get to see them often enough to really know what they are into.
    Come visit and get your name in the hat for my Give-A-Way.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Connie :)

  2. I haven't seen any of these speciality salvages, but they sure are cute. Are you going to make something special with them?


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