
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Another UFO to work on

Does it count as a UFO if you had opened the kit, looked at the pattern, and then set it aside?

I think it does count and I've decided that while I'm feeling some enthusiasm for UFOs then I'll work on as many as possible.  This set of puzzle pieces are for 3 pineapple blocks.  The kit is for a pillow, but I think I'm going to make it a wall hanging instead. I bought the kit at Heart and Hand in Sioux City this summer so it is a relatively young UFO. 

I had 3 items on my UFO Challenge list for January. One of them has been dropped off at the long arm quilter, one is ready to be sandwiched with batting and backing to quilt myself, and the third item was a blue Sew Together bag. Well, that bag should have the final stitches put in later today, so I pulled out the pineapple UFO too.  Guess it won't matter which month I work on it as long as it gets finished, right?  


  1. Looks like your sewing mojo has been revived. Enjoy working on your UFOs.

  2. Yay! for your progress! Your sew together bag is so pretty. Keep up the quilting mojo!

  3. Wow, three UFO items almost ready to cross off!


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