
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Goals and playing with scraps

I had the morning off work and spent some therapeutic time in my sewing room. I'm using En Provence as a "leader and ender" project for other sewing.  I made the last 10 aqua/brown/cream 9-patch blocks for On Ringo Lake, and then I put together one section of pieced sashing for En Provence, so I could join the 2 blocks I've made.  And I laid out another block on the design board to use as leaders and enders as I start working on the coral flying geese for On Ringo Lake.  So, there has been a little progress on both mystery quilts.

The other fun is part of my goal for January, which is working on Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks. I made 3 of these Cracker blocks (Moda) and cut the parts for 6 more.  All but 1 is in blue, which is the January color.  I have a lot of blue scraps so maybe I'll make more. These are 7.5" after I trimmed them. I've seen these on a couple of other blogs and decided to finally give them a try. Easy and fast


  1. The Cracker blocks would make nice autograph blocks for a friendship quilt.

  2. Great job working on both mysteries. I've been using my On Ringo Lake pieces as Leader/Enders, since I am trying to get my Y/B scrappy trip blocks done before quilt retreat. I'm feeling so productive.

  3. Great idea to use one quilt as the leader/ender for another! You will finish two at once. You have been busy in your sewing room in the new year! YAY!!


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