
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mystery quilts

I really enjoy a good mystery quilt project.  We've done a couple of them as Saturday Sampler projects over the years and it's been so enjoyable to watch them come together without really knowing how the end result will look. And it's fun to guess how the parts will go together - which is totally outside of my usual comfort zone.
Bonnie Hunter ( does an annual mystery quilt on her blog. I watched them for a couple of years before joining in and making Allietare a couple of years ago. It was full of reds and golds and blacks. I did swap out one color.
This year's mystery is called On Ringo Lake and is aqua, coral, brown, and neutral.  The colors are gorgeous, and as usual her quilt design uses "units". She designs quilts with bazillions of little pieces which would be overwhelming to most quilters, but she divides the process into manageable units.  This morning I worked some more on Clue 1 (and yes I'm getting a slow start), which is a 9 patch.

I've finished 20 of them and have more strip sets sewn and strips cut for the final sets. I'll need 50 total 9 patch blocks measuring 3.5".  

And since I'm focusing on finishing some UFOs and since last year's mystery (En Provence) is a UFO still sitting in the box in units, I pulled out that project box and laid out a second block. Yup - I only had 1 block finished.  So when I got sick of seeing aqua this morning, I added in some purple/yellow/green to the mix.  This will be a "leaders and enders" task and sits on a design board that I can just pick up and move when needed.  Maybe this way I'll get a few more blocks of this made while I work on the current project.  I will admit that purple and yellow are not my favorite colors so maybe that is part of the reason I lost interest.


  1. Enjoy putting these two mystery quilts together!. Your not the only one: my "En Provence" is waiting to be quilted too.

  2. Your pieced components are just lovely and they look very well made, too. Lots of time to put them together and it sure is worth it!

  3. I love the mystery quilt colours.

  4. Bonnie's quilts are beautiful, and every one contains a bazillion pieces!

    You're progressing well on the clues.

  5. Best of luck finishing off both of your mysteries.

  6. I've only got one block of each of those quilts done, as well. I didn't lose interest, I just have a TON of projects in the works!!


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