
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pink Pineapples

A 20" square pillow kit is going to become a wall hanging. Pink Pineapples - one of my weekend sewing projects. It's ready to quilt but I'm trying to decide how I want this to look.
The pink section was assembled in an interesting way. First step was layering the 3 fat quarters with the correct order of dark on bottom, medium, and then light on top. The pieces were all cut through the layers, and then the pieces were arranged in a particular order. My small design board really came in handy.
Then the instructions told which ones to shuffle by 1 layer or 2 layers. The strange lattice was sewn, then turned to the diagonal. A new rectangle was cut from the diagonal section.  And small background squares were added to the corners and flipped.  Thank goodness for lots of pictures in the pattern because otherwise this would have been very difficult.


  1. I love the pink pineapples. Good luck on the quilting!

  2. What a cheerful wall hanging!

    I can see that it would be somewhat confusing to make without photo directions.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I have recently heard about the good luck and good wishes that pineapples symbolize. I hope that your beautiful wall hanging will bring you loads of both. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh how pretty and fun! Have fun quilting these.

  5. Very nice! What was the make of the pattern? Good pictures really make and pattern.


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