
Wednesday, February 7, 2018


I'm thinking it was a waste of time putting a Valentine table runner and flowers on my dining room table. What do you think?
For the past couple of weeks my husband has been researching his father's WWII military unit. We knew we had a few old photos from that time period and we knew we had a copy of his discharge papers. So this mess on the table started small and has gradually grown as we've been digging into the unorganized boxes of photos and paperwork. 
And the fun thing about digging through old photos - the surprise treasures you find. Like this 1961 photo of my husband at age 7 with his dad and a favorite horse. My father-in-law was a horse lover, who trained and worked with many horses over the years. This one was Rex.  I'm sure most farm kids would agree that growing up on a farm was a great adventure, mixed with hard work. My husband has fond memories of having lots of colts around when he was a kid. And he looks pretty happy here.


  1. I wouldn't give up my childhood on the farm for anything! I wish today's children could have that experience.

    1. I meant to say that I adore the quilt hanging on the wall! 😍


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