
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February in the rear view mirror

I set some pretty lofty goals for February, and did fairly well on them. Plus I worked on other projects too.  There was enough variety that I didn't get a chance to get bored working on just one thing. 

February Goals:
  • Grand Adventure blocks - blocks are done and 2/3 of top is put together
  • Saturday Sampler blocks - done!
  • 20 cracker blocks for RSC18 - done!
  • 3 new sampler blocks for RSC18 - done!
  • Progress on Ringo Lake units - No
  • Finish binding Friendship Exchange quilt - done!
  • Quilt my pink pineapple mini - No
An extra project was finishing the top to another Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots mini quilt (Raspberry Cocoa).  Plus I made a yellow pineapple mini quilt, using a different pattern that the pink one. And I made a Valentine table runner. The yellow pineapple, the table runner, and 2 kid sized quilts (Pinwheels & ABCs) are at the long arm quilter, so those are almost done.

The ABC kid quilt that is at the long arm is actually one of my American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge projects for February.  So all-in-all it has been a productive month.


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