
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Quilting fiasco

I had this picture in my mind of how nice it would look to do a simple outline around each pinwheel. I even bought a pretty thread that has the blues and greens in the blocks.
So - first mistake was not using white thread since I was stitching out in the white background. I switched to a stitch-in-the-ditch instead. One whole vertical row is done. Looks much better - until I flipped it over. Awful!!!
So I think my seam ripper and I will spend some time together. So much for planning.

And then I laid my blue binding strips over that blue/green back. Yuck! I need to rethink that backing completely. I can use this to back something else I’m sure. Epic fail on all counts.

Check out more successful projects at Design Wall Monday:


  1. At least these things are easily fixed with your trusty seam ripper. I made friends with my seam ripper this weekend, too, and finally decided that instead of ripping out a huge mistake that I needed to simply declare it a "design element".

  2. It's so annoying when things like this happen to me. I am not good at picking out threads and invariably make a boo boo somewhere. Best of luck on fixing it all.

  3. That is so disappointing. I've been doing a lot of ripping out lately. Good luck with your ripping and new plan.

  4. Oh, it's so frustrating to have a vision and then not have it turn out as you planned. I hope it won't take you too long to take the stitches out.


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