
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Homemade Ice Cream

Isn't that a great name for a block?  It looks a bit like the dasher in an ice cream churn.  Have you ever made homemade ice cream?  We used to do it more often when the kids were around, but now that we have grandkids it may be time to pull out that ice cream maker again.

This is the first of 2 versions of this block for Saturday Sampler.  I have the parts cut for the second one, which will rearrange the colors.  Hopefully I'll get it sewn together later in the day. Black and white and bright makes for a happy color scheme so far. 


  1. Nice block and an excellent choice of fabrics!

    I love homemade ice cream and have some great memories of making it both with handcrank and electric models. I gave my electric maker to my nephew a several years ago.

  2. The block does look like a dasher from an ice cream machine. I like your choice of black and red fabrics. I retired from teaching two years ago. Quilting was an escape from the stress that comes from teaching these days. Now I have so much more time to quilt, and it has become my passion. Best wishes to you as you get closer to retirement.

  3. I love black, white and red. I love homemade ice cream but haven't made it in ages. In fact, I don't even own an ice cream maker. I keep on wanting to buy a small counter top one so I can make it! When I was a child, my aunt used to make ice cream all the time. She made custard ice cream which I always wondered why it didn't taste like normal ice cream. I think it's funny that now it's becoming "in style!"

  4. I love the red/black and white fabric combination. What a beautiful quilt block!


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