
Monday, April 30, 2018

April went by in a flash

Considering the fact that we had LOTS of snow storms in April, which resulted in plenty of sewing time, I really didn't get much finished from my April UFO list.
The Valentine table runner was actually finished in March.  It was made from 3 blocks I won at Saturday Sampler a whole year ago.  It will be ready to use next year for Valentine's Day or gift to someone else to use.
The Pink pineapple wall hanging is in the hands of the quilter right now.  I finished the flimsy back in January but it took me this long to decide how to finish it.  Once I get it back from the quilter it shouldn't take long to bind it since it's pretty small. 
And last, from the UFO Challenge list, there has been no progress doing anything at all with the large Farm Girl Vintage blocks.  I made all of the FGV blocks in both the 12" and 6" sizes. The small blocks became a fun quilt a year ago. But I'm just not sure what I want to do with the big ones.  I made all of the blocks from the book plus a few downloaded from Lori Holt's blog, so there are really too many for just one quilt.
I did set some other goals for April and have nearly met them all. So I'll keep plugging away on the jelly roll quilt until all 8 rows are together.  And now that I'm home from our 4-day road trip to Kansas, I will figure out some goals for April.  
  • 3 RSC Sampler blocks in yellow - DONE
  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks  - DONE
  • 12 Ritzy Cracker blocks (yellow) - DONE
  • finish top of Christmas jelly roll quilt - halfway
  • bind unicorn & stars quilt before April 14 - DONE
  • make unicorn pillowcase before April 14 - DONE

  • 1 comment:

    1. Cute pineapples - they make a great wall hanging. I agree that April flew by too quickly. It's hard to believe that May 1st is tomorrow!


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