
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter memories

As we headed home Sunday evening, I suddenly realized that no one had taken the time to snap any pictures. Those grandkids grow up so fast and we missed an opportunity to capture some memories.

And then last night my daughter (who rarely posts to Facebook) posted 2 photos that I didn't know she had even taken.  We didn't get any photos of all of the kids together unfortunately, but she did manage to capture the checkers games that Mason played with grandpa. He's getting closer to beating grandpa.  He's figuring out strategy. 

Olivia found a couple of books she wanted me to read.  Here we are reading Bambi - which I gave her for Christmas along with a Bambi pillowcase I made.  Under that quilt are also my younger daughter's feet and Olivia was tucked into a warm spot behind Aunt Laura's legs.  We also read a book about Nibbles the book monster, who eats his way through several stories. 

At our house the past 2 Easters, we've done an outdoor Easter egg hunt and decorated sugar cookies. But with it coming early this year, it's still winter here and was only about 25 degrees out. We all gathered at Jerilyn's house this year, and stayed indoors.  No frantic activities - just let the kids play.  We even skipped the traditional ham dinner. Son-in-law Jamie made delicious French Dip sandwiches. We had buffalo chicken dip and chips, fruit, deviled eggs, and dessert.  By keeping things simple, the day was just about relaxing and being together.


  1. Aaah, sounds like an ideal day. I'm glad your daughter snapped the photos.

  2. sounds idyllic and so enjoyable...the 50s era big holiday dinner isn't everyone's style's only food really and all about who is present...

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate! We were home with Paul's mom, so no pictures, but the kids did an egg hunt and Paul cooked ham.


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