
Friday, April 13, 2018

Finishing up yellow

The Squared Away (RSC18 Sampler) block for April was called 4X Star.  All 3 of my yellow versions are done.  This is a really pretty block and was so easy to do.  I also think it would make a great Quilt of Valor block using red, white, and blue.

And my lunch hour sewing today was the last 4 Ritzy Cracker blocks that were cut and ready to go.  While digging for more yellow or gold scraps, I came across that green and pink floral. It just begged to become a Ritzy Cracker. 

So with these blocks I've reached 2 of my goals for April - making 3 Squared Away blocks and finishing 12 Ritzy Cracker blocks in yellow. I actually made 13 of them. Yay!

Now I'm back at my desk at work and watching the weather outside my windows. We just had a severe thunderstorm warning, and the thunder literally rattled the windows.  It poured rain and sleet.  Now we are waiting for the blizzard to move into our area this afternoon.  The forecast for our locale is 12-18" of wet, heavy snow.  Schools in town dismissed at noon - just in time for the pouring rain and sleet.  The good side of a blizzard is it will give me some sewing time.  I'm hoping to work on putting the Christmas jelly roll blocks into a finished top.


  1. The 4X blocks would look great in red, white, and blue for a QOV.

    Sounds like you'll have ample opportunity to quilt as you hunker down during the storm. I hope your power stays on.

  2. I amazes me that with all my fabric, I look at you blocks and see nothing from my own stash! I do have that front left cracker fabric in another colorway, but we can't really count that. :P

  3. Love your yellows! Those 4X Stars would look really good in red, white, and blue, too. Good idea!

  4. Hmm...I have some chex mix fabric that would probably love to become a ritz cracker.

  5. Hope the storm led to some quality sewing time. Sounds like a great way to stay safe and dry inside.


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