
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Unicorns and Stars

Olivia had asked for another quilt recently, and I had the top of this one done thinking it would be a good Christmas present for her. But since she asked . . . I decided it would make a good birthday present instead.  Why wait, right?  Today is her 5th birthday.  (Her twin brother was much more interested in receiving LEGOs.)  She is obsessed with unicorns right now, and also loves pink. So I found a perfect backing fabric with unicorns on a pink background.

The quilt top was made using parts and pieces of a Bonnie Hunter pattern called En Provence, and it was all destined to become a UFO. But then I decided to used the parts to make something different - which is this quilt. The pink and purple units just worked so well together.
I asked for quilting with loops and stars which looks great. I had enough of the backing fabric to make Olivia a matching pillowcase.  And I still have some left to use on the back of a big floor pillow I'm making with her name on it.  That big pillow will wait for Christmas however, and maybe I'll get some made for the other grandkids by then too. 


  1. Olivia is going to adore this gift!

  2. Hi Sara,
    Don't you just LOVE being asked for a quilt?!! Oh boy, and this one is just perfect for Olivia. The pink!! The unicorns!! PERFECT! I can hardly wait until my little guy gets there although I suspect he will be a Lego guy rather than a quilt guy. But we'll see. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Such a special gift! And congrats! on a great finish.


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