
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Jelly roll block update

I’ve had several questions about the source of this block that I used in the jelly roll Christmas quilt, but it was something I saw on Facebook or Pinterest last fall and unfortunately I can’t find the original source again.  According to my post in November about the block it didn’t have a name, instructions, or even a size indicated on the site, so I just printed the photo and did the math myself because I really wanted to make the block.

My block is finished at 8" (8.5" unfinished).  So the 4-patch section is simply done with 2.5" squares. I had a jelly roll, so that is why I started with that size square in the 4-patch.  The other section is basically a half log cabin done with 1.5" strips.  The white corner is a 1.5" square.  So the colored round is a 1.5" square and a 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle.  The next white round is a 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle and a 1.5" x 3.5" rectangle.  And the final colored round are 1.5" x 3.5" and 1.5" x 4.5" rectangles.

This blue and white version is actually an experiment I did back in November to make it larger.  It used 3.5” squares in the 4-patch, and 2” strips for the half log cabin section.  It is a 12” finished block.  This block really could be made any size you wanted by making some simple calculations.


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