
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Working on May goals

My husband spent the Memorial Day afternoon playing golf with both sons-in-law, so I had plenty of peaceful sewing time with no interruptions.  The RSC18 block for May was Baton Rouge Square, done in pink.  This pattern has been laying on my cutting board for 3 weeks just waiting for me. I didn’t have to dig too deep for pink scraps since I had been using pink for the month’s Ritzy Cracker blocks too.

Once the RSC18 blocks were done I dug back into the scraps for orange to make more Ritzy Crackers.  The color hasn’t been chosen yet for the RSC project, but I knew I wanted to add orange to my reunion blocks.  Six are done and 3 more cut out, but I was having trouble finding orange in my stash.  I also need more red blocks, and then some dark ones - maybe black and some brown. The Ritzy Cracker blocks are hopefully going to become signature blocks at our upcoming family reunion.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you made good use of your time in the sewing room.

    The Ritzy Cracker blocks tug at me whenever you post a new batch, and I predict that before you finish all that you need I will be making some of my own.


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