
Monday, June 18, 2018

Design Wall Monday - OBW

What's on your design wall this morning?  My "design floor" has is filling up with half hexagon One Block Wonder sections. And obviously I need to find a better spot to lay these out to photograph.  
One Block Wonder blocks are starting to accumulate, with the hexagon halves pinned together.  The triangles from the first 2 strips of layers are done.  I've gotten 16 sets of triangles (1 hexie block per set) from each strip. The 16 triangle sets from strip #3 are ready to sew. And I'm heading to my sewing room shortly with a cup of coffee and the rest of the morning open for sewing. 
Check out the other design walls at:


  1. Wow, these are spectacular. I backtracked through your posts to see if you had shown the original fabric, since it was hard to believe to these blocks. But they did. I've done two one block wonders. I love colorful wild pfints, but I don't think I could have envisioned these ocks. Kudos to you. It was a great way to get sidetracked.

  2. Sorry for the typos. My Kindle keyboard is acting up and I really need to remember to proofread before sending. I meant to say it is hard to believe all these blocks came from a single fabric.

  3. Wonderful progress on your OBW. I love how the colors interact. I have a design floor, too, and know how difficult it is to get good photos.

  4. Oh!! This OBW is so much fun. You have the perfect fabric that creates these fun blocks. I'd be heading back in to make more, too. I'm looking forward to seeing it come together.

  5. Lovely! I love the cheerful! Thank you for the comment on my blog! I don't "sew" other than hand stitching so I appreciate anyone who does:)


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