
Saturday, June 2, 2018

June UFO Challenge

APQ has announced the June number for the 2018 UFO Challenge and it's number 11.  Yikes!  I have a couple of things on here that I've been avoiding. But the good news is that one of the projects (the Friendship Exchange quilt) is already done.

There are 2 Simple Whatnots kits from this past series that I still haven't made, and I have one that needs to be quilted yet.  The next series will begin in June with our first class.  I've fallen behind!!  I have Raspberry Cocoa along with me this week while I tag along with my husband on a work trip, and plan to do some simple hand quilting on it. Maybe I can get this one done for the quilt show since it is only 27" square. 
As for the Urban Cabin quilt, first of all I had to find the project box for this one. It was on the bottom of the stack of boxes inside my cutting table cabinet.  And yes - there are too many other project boxes hiding in there.
Opening up this project box provided some surprises.  I thought the Urban Cabin quilt only had one block made before I set it aside. Turns out, there were two blocks made and the strips were cut from the colors for the strip sets. Woot woot!!!!  These are not colors that I usually gravitate toward, but I think I'm going to like it. Funny how one's tastes change over the years.
I have no idea why I set this one aside - or even WHEN I set it aside.  It's pretty sad that I don't remember when I was working on this one, but after checking my old UFO lists I know it's at least 4 years old because it was on those lists every year.  So, any progress I can make on this one is an improvement, right?   


  1. With everything cut, the blocks will come together quickly.

    Raspberry Cocoa is the perfect size for a road trip project. Enjoy the hand-stitching, the trip, & the time with your husband.

  2. Yikes 11 is challenging: sooner started, sooner done.


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