
Monday, June 25, 2018

Sunday sewing . . . or NOT

I finally got back onto the golf course on Sundat.  My husband and I had a mid-morning tee time along with one of his buddies.  It was a really nice morning, not too hot and just enough breeze to keep the bugs off.  And I played OK, so it was good.  And after about 5 days of being sick with some summer cold kind of bug it was good to do something fun.

After our 18 holes of exercise - they walked it, and I rode in a cart - we decided to check out the brunch at a new local restaurant. The atmosphere was rustic and fun. There was live music. The staff was nice.  But it took 1 hour 15 minutes to get our food!!  That is crazy and definitely not something that pleased my husband.  The food was great - when it finally arrived.  I had a raspberry mimosa and the Benedict Arnold brunch dish.  It was a very good take on eggs Benedict. My husband had chicken and waffles, which he said was delicious. But I sure hope they get their service time figured out or they won’t survive long.

Once we finally got home I sat down to work on the binding on the Christmas jelly roll quilt, and fell asleep.  My husband left and went to a movie all by himself, and I slept on.  That’s OK because I didn’t want to see the latest Jurassic World movie anyway. 

So to make a long story short, there has been no sewing going on around here Sunday. But it was a pretty good day.  Golf, lunch that I didn’t have to cook, and a nap.  Works for me!!

1 comment:

  1. I would have passed on the movie, too. I've seen a couple of the earlier ones, and closed my eyes during much of the films. Waiting more than an hour for your order is crazy. The restaurant is going to have an uphill battle to get customers if that continues.


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