
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

June goals met and July goals set

The prettiest finish for June had to be the Christmas Jelly Roll quilt.  The block has no name, but it's so cute and I know I'll use this block again in the future.  I cut up a matching layer cake for the outer border.  Red seemed ideal for the backing and I used leftover jelly roll strips for the scrappy binding. This one will be a Christmas gift.

For June, I had set the following goals for myself and did quite well, except for the UFO Challenge goals.  I should have added SURVIVE the guild quilt show and the family reunion.
  • Play more golf - only played 3 times, BUMMER
  • 3 RSC Sampler blocks in teal/aqua - DONE
  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks + 2 of the alternate blocks - DONE
  • 12 red Ritzy Cracker blocks - made 5 red blocks
  • 6 dark Ritzy Cracker blocks - made 5 dark blocks
  • bind Jelly Roll Race - DONE
  • bind Christmas Jelly Roll - DONE
  • APQ UFO Challenge - Urban Cabin - not touched
  • APQ UFO Challenge - past Simple Whatnots - not touched
The Ritzy Cracker blocks went to the family reunion for signing. More on that another time, but I'm excited to put these together.

My plan for July is to keep up with the BOM projects, and go back to more UFOs as time permits. I have a couple of new projects I'm dying to dig into, but those may be my reward for finishing something.
  • finish One Block Wonder blocks & be ready to set together
  • 3 RSC Sampler blocks in July color of red
  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks, plus 6 alternate blocks
  • patriotic Simple Whatnot
  • Urban Cabin - make 3 more blocks
  • make 2 Row By Row blocks/rows


  1. Oh my, but your quilt turned out beautifully. Great job on your goals, too! Happy Independence Day!

  2. The recipients of your quilt are going to love it. Its going to brighten their holiday. Since you had two big events to prepare for in June, I think you did very well on your goals.

  3. Love the Christmas Jelly Roll quilt! Great colors and fabrics!

  4. Congrats! on your newly completed quilt. Lots of lovely RED fabrics incorporated for the RSC!


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