
Monday, July 30, 2018

What was I thinking?

I set some very unrealistic goals for July, and I didn't get very far toward reaching them either. Guess that means they can stay on the "to do" list for another month. Or go back into the cupboard with the other UFO project boxes.  I did make a couple more Garlic Knot blocks for our guild QOV project, but don't have much else to show for the month.

  • finish One Block Wonder blocks & be ready to set together - top is 3/4 complete
  • 3 RSC Sampler blocks in July color of red - DONE
  • 2 Saturday Sampler blocks, plus 6 alternate blocks -  Sampler blocks DONE, no alternates
  • patriotic Simple Whatnot - DONE
  • Urban Cabin - make 3 more blocks - not touched
  • make 2 Row By Row blocks/rows - not touched

  • It's that time of year when I often lose my UFO mojo.  Maybe it's the hot weather or just loss of forward momentum.  Currently I have more interest in digging into something fresh and new, which is why UFOs multiply, isn't it?


    1. You were able to get some things done, so that makes for a good month to me. Keep on plugging!

    2. I didn't set any goals for July, and it's a good thing because I've been busy packing, purging, and planning my move. It's hard to keep track of my thoughts let alone trying to sew. The machine has been safely packed, so it won't even be turned on until mid-August.

    3. I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked either, but as I look back I did more sewing than I have done in months, so it wasn't a total waste! My quilting machine is out of commission, so no quilting finishes until it's fixed.

    4. Same with me for knitting - I've got FOUR-count 'em, FOUR unfinished sweaters (hot, wooly). But that hasn't prevented me from casting on FOUR or five new projects. One, a baby sweater in cotton, is almost done. But then there are the wristers (beaded, no less!), the hemp facecloths, a silk/cashmere shawl, and a big basket/bag. At least they're all "stash busters!"


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