
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Baby steps

Baby steps seem to be all I'm able to accomplish this week on this UFO.  I have the side sashings cut and ready to piece into longer strips.  Then I can start sewing these sashings onto the quilt sections. 
There is also a dark green inner border (cut already) and a wider outer border that looks like piano keys.  But I probably won't have any sewing time until maybe Saturday.  I have a work meeting until noon tomorrow and then I'll have grandson Jonah here for a couple of days of fun.  But the hubbie will be gone all weekend to play in the state seniors golf tournament.  PIECE/PEACE and quiet those 2 days. 


  1. I have time on Friday I'm looking forward to Piece/Peace and quiet.

  2. It's getting prettier and prettier: the sashing fabric is stunning.


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