
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bikes and blocks

It felt like Sunday today, but my calendar assured me it was really just Saturday. I think it must be because the MN Vikings game was on TV this afternoon and football should be Sunday afternoons.  I did a little sewing on my RSC18 blocks for August. These blocks are a 1930s era block pattern called State of Georgia, which I really like.  This month’s color was orange and I discovered that I don’t have much orange except for Halloween prints. So 2 of the blocks have the same fabrics in them but reversed locations. 

We had company too - daughter #1 and her friend came to Mitchell early this morning to ride their bicycles in the Tour de Corn. They chose to ride the 62 mile route.  It was a tough ride I guess due to the heat and a stiff breeze.  It’s a great hobby that they enjoy, even though their husbands don’t join in.  These ladies did the 5 day Tour de Nebraska early in the summer, and have done various other rides around the region too.  And yes - they usually dress to match each other when they do these rides.  Today they even matched their bikes. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice blocks.

    Kudos to your daughter and her friend for being so dedicated to cycling. I gave my bike to my nephew's wife. It had gathered enough dust in my garage.


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