
Monday, August 6, 2018

Design Wall Monday

After several days of having grandkids and other family around, today is a sewing and laundry day around here.  I spent most of the morning sewing.  The center of this UFO was under the needle.  The bird houses are assembled and ready for appliqué of birdhouse holes, perches, and more little red birds.  It’s nice to have some progress to put on the design wall.  Check out other design walls here:

Then I added the last 4 vertical rows to my One Block Wonder. I want to add a narrow border and a wide border to OBW to make it larger, so I think a trip to my local quilt store is in order.  The Pin Cushion will most likely have some excellent choices and the ladies there all have a good eye for color so I appreciate their input too. 

And finally, I added borders to a little wall hanging.  I’ll share photos of this another time.


  1. Great progress on your UFO. I think you'll have the other elements added to the birdhouse by the end of the month.

  2. Charming...I like this as the center, it will be a lovely quilt:)


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