
Thursday, August 30, 2018


I really enjoy my view most days.  My home office window looks out onto the front porch and the front yard.  I have a bird feeder to watch, but yesterday the birds visiting were not interested in the feeder.  We've had this flock of turkeys hanging around the neighborhood most of the summer. It appears to be 2 mama birds with a big bunch of babies.
Those babies are quickly growing up and are almost as big as the mamas now. Usually I only see them in the back yard, but yesterday they wandered into the front yard. Luckily our street isn't very busy so no cars scared them off.
Because we live near the edge of town we get a lot of wildlife in our yard.  There is a small ravine behind us and the critters come up the hill from open prairie.  We often have turkeys and deer, and our neighbors have seen mountain lions a couple of times. As far as we know the mountain lions haven't come up the hill however. 


  1. I woke up to deer having breakfast in my garden Tuesday. Hopefully they don't think it's a buffet restaurant!

  2. Wildlife are fun to observe. I didn't see any at my house in town and I'm sure I won't see any at my apartment. Cody, WY had a young female mountain lion in town caching food under a deck. She had to be put down as she was acclimated to bring around people.

  3. I was thinking your wild life is just like mine until I read Mountain Lion-no thank you!! But we did have a big batch of turkeys last weekend...I think we counted 24.


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