
Monday, September 24, 2018

Family time

I was supposed to babysit for my daughter on Saturday, but my husband said "I’ll go babysit, you go to your quilt class".  But he actually just went to get the kids and brought them back to our house for the weekend.  They played together really well both days.  A little bike riding, some time in the blow up bouncy house, and a little time reading books.  They even found the container of empty plastic Easter eggs in the garage and had fun hiding them in the yard for each other.

We have a big round coffee table in the family room and it’s perfect for puzzles and LEGO blocks. That is where they kiddos spent the majority of Sunday.  You forget how many times a 3 year old can say "why?" in a day.

And their mom and dad were able to get dressed up and attend a wedding.  As my daughter said on Facebook when she posted the photo below - "we clean up really nice".  Yes they do. And I’m glad they got to spend a weekend with just the 2 of them.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing that you live close enough to watch your grandchildren. It looks like they enjoyed their time at your house.


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