
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Found it!

While working on invoices this morning I had this sudden light bulb moment - and thought of one more place to look for the yardage I couldn’t find yesterday. So when I had a break, I went downstairs and looked again. Bingo!! There was the black background yardage that had been hiding. 

It has a lot of different colors in the small print and I found yardage of the pink batik that I like with it. The royal blue is OK, but I’m really thinking a nice lime green or aqua would be even better.  We’ll see what else I can find in the stash - or maybe a quick trip to The Pin Cushion is in order.  We need a light and a dark fabric, plus a third one with plenty of contrast. Starting a new Saturday Sampler is always fun, but this one is going to be a mystery quilt. It’s hard for me to choose fabrics without knowing what the plan is. 


  1. Your string blocks are so pretty! And it is always so much fun fabric hunting for a new project. What a great hobby we have.

  2. Selecting fabrics for mystery quilts is difficult. The black fabric is lovely and give a lot of coordinating color choices.


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