
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Odds 'n Ends

Thank you to those who reaffirmed my thought that my Saturday Sampler needed borders.  I went to The Pin Cushion this morning thinking I would do a bright green or maybe blue border.  But then my search led me to the wide backings - and there was this one.  It's very similar to the crazy backing I just used on my One Block Wonder, only in a darker version.  It's called Circle Play by Henry Glass Co.  It has all of the colors from my quilt in those circles.  A nice lime green dot will be the inner border. 

And my Red Bird/Cardinal Christmas quilt was ready to pick up too.  Bonnie quilted it with this beautiful design and a dark tan thread.  The binding is a red/green/cream plaid and is ready to stitch on.  I feel like I'm on a roll lately again with progress on UFOs and current projects. 


  1. the Christmas birds are so pretty.

  2. It's wonderful to see the UFO list shrinking. Great fabrics for your sampler.


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