
Friday, September 21, 2018


Grumble, grumble, grumble!  I need to remind myself that the extra hours in my next paycheck will help pay for my January cruise.  But I want to sew . . . and instead I'm dealing with invoices and spreadsheets for the second straight week.  My desk is buried in piles of invoices needing to be sent back to a contractor for pricing revisions, invoices that need to be processed out to the client for payment, and invoices that need to be entered in the correct project budgets.  BURIED is the key word.

I'm supposed to be semi-retired, but I worked full time last week and again this week.  My brain is tired and needs some sewing time to refresh the brain cells.  The 2 hours I took off on Wednesday wasn't enough.  And I'm babysitting tomorrow, even though I really need to be working on these invoices because I know I won't be done yet.  So my fun will have to wait.   Oh - and my lunch break is over!! Back to the grindstone!  And I need to remind myself that invoicing will slow down as the construction season winds down. 

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