
Sunday, October 7, 2018


On CBS Sunday Morning today they asked what time of day you are most creative. The largest percentage said morning. When are YOU most creative?

I am a night owl for most things but not for sewing.  I used to sew at my dining room table after my kids went to bed. But these days my best sewing time is from about 10 am to mid-afternoon. 

However - my brain does its best planning and scheming in the evening. My ideas seem to come to me in the evening. So I guess being creative happens in different stages at different times of day. How about you?

This morning I have been working on a binding while watching a movie. After my hubbie leaves this afternoon for a business trip I plan to go downstairs and sew. 


  1. Definitely afternoon for me and into the evening. I rarely get to work in the sewing room in the morning. I dropped Keith off at the airport today so I had lots of sewing time today too.

  2. I usually get up and head right into my studio. I can get a lot done in the first hours of the day. Afternoons are probably my second most creative time.

  3. I think 9 AM to 3 PM is my most productive time.

  4. I do most of my sewing after 8 pm after the kids and hubby are in bed. Most of my creative energy/planning/cutting is done during breaks at work during the day. I feel like I'm creative all day, however mornings are not my forte.


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